Sunday, 5 June 2022

15.00-18.00 Setting up of exhibition booths
17.00-18.00 SEA general assembly
19.00-21.00 Reception – Pizzeria Batana, Tartinijev trg 1, Piran

Monday, 6 Jun 2022

09.00-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.30 Opening of the conference and welcome address – moderator Mrs. Branka Božič
Gregor Jeglič, Commercial Director – Bossplast d.o.o.
Alojz Poredoš, 
President, Slovenian Energy Association
Eva Willems, economic attacher at the German Embassy
Marjan Eberlinc, President, Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia
Government representative

10.30-10.50 Plenary lectures

  • Christian Zinglersen, Director ACER
  • Duška Godina, Director of the Energy Agency

10.50-11.10 Invited Lectures: Heat pump innovations and its role in 2060 China Carbon Neutral Strategies, Dr. R.Z. Wang (Chair Professor) Director, Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University  

11.10-11.20 Andrej Kitanovski: New division – Heat pumps

11.20-12.45 Panel discussion: Energy supply for heating, cooling and ventilation of the working and living environment
Moderator: Mateja Panjan and Andrej Kitanovski

– Uroš Salobir, ELES
– Aleš Vrhovec,
GregorcVrhovec architects
– Miha Bobič, Danfoss
– Gregor Jeglič, Bossplast
– Michele Vio, Aermec
– Bogdan Kronovšek, Kronoterm
– Damijan Dolinar, SID bank
– Jože Torkar, Resalta

Franc Žlahtič, key listener

12.50-13.00 Formal signing of association cooperation agreements SZE and District heating business association “Toplane Srbije” 

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00- 16.00 Parallel sessions

SECTION A1: District heating and cooling, RES
Moderator: Jože Torkar

  1. Carbon capture cluster Copenhagen (C4) including carbon capture at AVV CHP plan
    Lars Gullev, CEO, VEKS – Denmark
  2. How to enable efficient connection of the energy sectors and the use of sustainable energy sources when developing and updating district heating systems
    Amer Karabegović and Milan Jungič, Danfoss Trata d.o.o., Slovenia
  3. Green cities – Decarbonization of district heating in Serbia
    Petar Vasiljević, PUC “Beogradske elektrane”, Serbia
  4. Challenges in implementing digitalization within the Belgrade district heating system with an aim of further work improvement
    Tatjana Nušić, Dubravka Jovančić, Petar Vasiljević, Belgrade, Serbia
  5. Conceptual design and study of the possibility of green transformation of district heating of the Šaleška valley
    Robert Hudournik and Nejc Kolerič, Esotech, Miran Zager, Inštitut za daljinsko energetiko, Nejc Jurko, Institute KSSENA, Slovenia
  6. DHN reconstruction in Tuzla with accent on suinstable heating source
    Amel Husić, Suljo Sarić, Aleksandar Hura, Grijanje Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

SECTION B1 – Heating, cooling, air conditioning and ventilation in buildings
Moderator: Gregor Jeglič

  1. Ventilation of populated areas – ensuring good working and living conditions
    Gregor Jeglič, Bossplast d.o.o., Slovenia
  2. Rehab(il)itation
    Aleš Vrhovec, Gregorc Vrhovec arhitects, Slovenia
  3. Energy efficient and healthy buildings,
    Neža Močnik u.d.i.a., VELUX, Slovenia
  4. Light for a healthy living environment
    Dimitrij Živec, Intra lighting, Slovenia
  5. Indoor air quality in closed spaces before taking measures to improve energy efficiency
    Simon Muhič, Tatjana Muhič, INOVEKS, SIMUTEH, Slovenia
  6. Natural gas replacement with hydrogen
    Matjaž Perpar, Urška Mlakar, Uroš Stritih, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
  7. Through heat pumps to carbon neutrality
    Franc Marovt, Kronoterem d.o.o.  Slovenia

16.00-16.30 Break

16.30 -18.30 Parallel sessions

SECTION A2 – Gas supply – a solution on the way to a low-carbon society
Moderator: Dejan Koletnik

  1. Hydrogen and other renewable gases in the eu – development aspects / projects
    Marko Ileršič, Plinovodi, Slovenia
  1. Network of energy self-sufficient hubs in Slovenia as a support for civil energy supply and hydrogen mobility
    Colonel Robert Šipec, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia
    Tomaž Katrašnik, Mitja Mori, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
  1. Digital solutions in the field of gas transmission
    Marko Širovnik, Plinovodi, Slovenia
  2. Presentation of the transmission system operators »view on the proposal of the new european directive and gas regulation«
    Jošt Štrukelj, Plinovodi, Slovenia
  3. Natural gas replacement with hydrogen
    Andrej Senegačnik, Mihael Sekavčnik, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  4. Setting of the recognized regulated return on investment for system operators in relation to the efficiency of their investment
    Vinko Nedelko, Energy Agency, Slovenia

SECTION B2 – Heating, cooling, air conditioning and ventilation in buildings
Moderator: Gregor Jeglič

  1. WRG-thermo the innovative and energy efficent way of heat recovery
    Florian Kraschitzer, SÜDLUFT Systemtechnik GmbH, Germany
  2. The SÜDLUFT way of ventilation ceiling techniques
    Bernd Marschnig, Südluft Systemtechnik GmbH, Germany
  3. Efficient methods for extracting odorous and polluted air from residential buildings
    Andreas Weigl & Alexander Haase, MSc. – LIMODOR Lüftungstechnik GmbH & Co KG; Leonding, Austria
  4. Efficiently optimized axial car park fan
    Oleh Bondarenko, ruck Ventilatoren GmbH, Germany
  5. The new approach for effective design of an hydronic system
    Luigi Rossettini, International Director AERMEC / AICARR member, Italy
  6. Design and operation of air handling units with increased infection control requirements
    Alexander Feichter, Euroclima AG, Italy


20.00 Gala dinner

Tuesday 7 Jun 2022

9.00-11.00 Parallel sessions

SECTION A3 – RES, sustainable energy supply, digitalization
Moderator: Amer Karabegović

  1. Assessment of the renewable energy needs for energy-neutral and sustainable city districts
    Sabina Jordan, Miha Jukić, Jože Hafner, Slovenian Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Slovenia
  2. Monitoring of district heating and cooling systems performance indicators
    Aleš Žurga, Energy Agency, Slovenia
  3. Digital twin with enriched reality
    Igor Godec udie, company owner, PROF.EL d.o.o. Slovenia
  4. Green transition of the defence sector
    Colonel Robert Šipec, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia
  5. Sustainable energy supply of Slovenj Gradec citizens with renevable sources
    Nejc Kolerič, ESOTECH, Slovenia
  6. Comparison of district heating and hydrogen for building heat supply
    Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Danfoss A/S, Denmar

SECTION B3 – District heating and cooling, RES
Moderator: Petar Vasiljević

  1. Energy self-supply of biomass centre Nazarje
    David Špeh, Biomasa, Slovenia
  2. Possibility of using renewables in district heating system of Novi Sad
    Bojana Kosanović; Aleksandra Lukić; Dušan Macura; Slobodan Subić; PUC „Novosadska toplana“ Novi Sad, Serbia
  1. Energy efficiency of district heating and cooling systems
    Aleksander Trupej, Energy Agency, Slovenia
  2. Changing the heating method in Murska Sobota
    Drago Potočnik, Komunala, Murska Sobota, Uroš Klemenčič, Ouček, Slovenia
  1. Possibility for integration of small-scale solar thermal instalation tu DH system – practical expirience of a demo site in Belgrade within the related project
    Radmilo Savić, Ljubiša Vladić, Miloš Vujašević, Vladimir Vojvodić, PUC “Beogradske elektrane”, Serbia
  1. Local renewables as a tool for resilience and independence from market deviations and energy crisis
    Dejan Jovisevic, Eko toplane Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.00-11.40 Break

11.40 -13.40 Parallel sessions

SECTION A4 – Theoretical and applied knowledge, electromobility
Moderator: Andrej Kitanovski

  1. High-temperature thermal energy storage
    Katja Vozel, Tom Sojer, Andrej Kitanovski, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  2. The uncertainty analysis of freeze drying using stochastic collocation method
    Ramšak, B. Kamenik, M. Zadravec, J. Ravnik, M. Hriberšek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
  3. Sorption- and radiative cooling-based technologies: on the forefront of the energy-air-water nexus
    Primož Poredoša, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana Ruzhu Wang, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
  4. Thermoelectric micro heat pump booster for low temperature district heating system
    Tomc, S. Nosan, B. Vidrih, S. Bogić, K. Vozel, A. Kitanovski University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, M. Bobič, Danfoss Trata, Slovenia
  5. Electromobility has long ceased to be an electricity challenge
    Damjan Stanek, Teja Cerar, Borzen, Slovenia
  6. Ventilation of the operating rooms
    Janez Kovač Myint, AL-KO THERM, Slovenia

SECTION B4 – Heat pumps, cooling systems
Moderator: Dean Besednjak

  1. The production of domestic hot water with multipurpose heat pumps
    Michele Vio, Energetic Consultant, AERMEC S.p.A. Italy
  2. High-temperature heat pumps
    Jure Korenjak, Katja Vozel, Katja Klinar, Andrej Kitanovski, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  3. Reduction of pumping energy in heat pumps systems
    Michele Vio, Energetic Consultant, AERMEC S.p.A. Italy
  4. Robur spa gas absorption heat pumps case histories in EU
    Siniša Šćepanović, Robur SPA, Bergamo, Italy
  5. Combining efficiency and reliability of heat pumps: correct sizing of hydraulic circuits
    Michele Vio, Energetic Consultant, AERMEC S.p.A. Italy
  1. Use of heat pumps in industrial processes
    Luka Rednak, Kronoterem, Slovenia
  2. European regulations on eco-design for chillers and heat pumps
    Alessio Gattone, Technical Marketing Director, AERMEC S.p.A. Italy


13.40  Conference Closing